Temperature Regulating Valves
1,270 results
NSN 4820-01-442-3421
Temperature Regulating Valve
MPN: 96679A ASSY 10
MPN: 96679A ASSY 10
NSN 4820-01-441-7214
Temperature Regulating Valve
MPN: 40011-701
MPN: 40011-701
NSN 4820-01-441-6452
Temperature Regulating Valve
MPN: RT1006B1
MPN: RT1006B1
NSN 4820-01-441-3808
Temperature Regulating Valve
MPN: U601099706 AND A107100010
MPN: U601099706 AND A107100010
NSN 4820-01-440-5572
Temperature Regulating Valve
MPN: 12C3-100
MPN: 12C3-100
NSN 4820-01-440-5272
Temperature Regulating Valve
MPN: GTB-5 1.00FPT 7
MPN: GTB-5 1.00FPT 7
NSN 4820-01-440-4836
Temperature Regulating Valve
MPN: ACTUA-ALLSWA-A/0205090201
MPN: ACTUA-ALLSWA-A/0205090201
NSN 4820-01-440-4810
Temperature Regulating Valve
MPN: BP2 .250IN 70-1
MPN: BP2 .250IN 70-1
NSN 4820-01-440-4781
Temperature Regulating Valve
MPN: BP-2 70-170 DEG F 10FT
MPN: BP-2 70-170 DEG F 10FT
NSN 4820-01-440-4021
Temperature Regulating Valve
MPN: SS-8UW-3410
MPN: SS-8UW-3410
NSN 4820-01-440-2905
Temperature Regulating Valve
MPN: I-1041-L15
MPN: I-1041-L15
NSN 4820-01-439-7568
Temperature Regulating Valve
MPN: 158465-3-2
MPN: 158465-3-2
NSN 4820-01-439-5053
Temperature Regulating Valve
MPN: 301-D SER #30-1
MPN: 301-D SER #30-1
NSN 4820-01-439-2394
Temperature Regulating Valve
MPN: LTCNS-1 1 1/2IN CDS-31316N
MPN: LTCNS-1 1 1/2IN CDS-31316N
NSN 4820-01-439-0478
Temperature Regulating Valve
MPN: 310-1014
MPN: 310-1014
NSN 4820-01-438-7241
Temperature Regulating Valve
MPN: 0.50IN ME-2
MPN: 0.50IN ME-2
NSN 4820-01-438-0000
Temperature Regulating Valve
MPN: EBM-1B17-12000000A
MPN: EBM-1B17-12000000A
NSN 4820-01-436-6242
Temperature Regulating Valve
MPN: 40055-912
MPN: 40055-912
NSN 4820-01-436-4501
Temperature Regulating Valve
MPN: AL1110-140
MPN: AL1110-140
NSN 4820-01-436-4250
Temperature Regulating Valve
MPN: 40056-103
MPN: 40056-103
NSN 4820-01-435-2803
Temperature Regulating Valve
MPN: 40053-409
MPN: 40053-409
NSN 4820-01-434-5356
Temperature Regulating Valve
MPN: 5-102-NW
MPN: 5-102-NW
NSN 4820-01-434-5355
Temperature Regulating Valve
MPN: 5-102
MPN: 5-102
NSN 4820-01-434-1624
Temperature Regulating Valve
MPN: 2-BOBT-13002
MPN: 2-BOBT-13002
NSN 4820-01-433-4347
Temperature Regulating Valve
MPN: M900P-75BPSE-3W
MPN: M900P-75BPSE-3W
NSN 4820-01-433-4346
Temperature Regulating Valve
MPN: M903P-200LR-FL2-3W
MPN: M903P-200LR-FL2-3W
NSN 4820-01-433-3024
Temperature Regulating Valve
MPN: 40065-404
MPN: 40065-404
NSN 4820-01-432-5976
Temperature Regulating Valve
MPN: I-1284-W 11
MPN: I-1284-W 11
NSN 4820-01-432-5975
Temperature Regulating Valve
MPN: 40062-404
MPN: 40062-404
NSN 4820-01-432-3460
Temperature Regulating Valve
MPN: KD007348 400MM
MPN: KD007348 400MM
NSN 4820-01-430-3807
Temperature Regulating Valve
MPN: 65976-120DEG F
MPN: 65976-120DEG F
NSN 4820-01-429-1329
Temperature Regulating Valve
MPN: VA-9314-303-4-4
MPN: VA-9314-303-4-4
NSN 4820-01-428-6925
Temperature Regulating Valve
MPN: 01211
MPN: 01211
NSN 4820-01-428-3823
Temperature Regulating Valve
MPN: 793205-4
MPN: 793205-4
NSN 4820-01-428-3187
Temperature Regulating Valve
MPN: VA-9314-303-4-8
MPN: VA-9314-303-4-8
NSN 4820-01-428-2936
Temperature Regulating Valve
MPN: 7-511A21528-1
MPN: 7-511A21528-1
NSN 4820-01-428-1723
Temperature Regulating Valve
MPN: V3E10063-01
MPN: V3E10063-01
NSN 4820-01-428-1719
Temperature Regulating Valve
MPN: S1E10173 ITEM 2
MPN: S1E10173 ITEM 2
NSN 4820-01-426-4931
Temperature Regulating Valve
MPN: 614
MPN: 614
NSN 4820-01-426-2433
Temperature Regulating Valve
MPN: 2BMBN-160-07
MPN: 2BMBN-160-07
NSN 4820-01-425-6722
Temperature Regulating Valve
MPN: 40103-804
MPN: 40103-804
NSN 4820-01-425-6713
Temperature Regulating Valve
MPN: 40426-806
MPN: 40426-806
NSN 4820-01-425-6712
Temperature Regulating Valve
MPN: 40426-805
MPN: 40426-805
NSN 4820-01-425-5288
Temperature Regulating Valve
MPN: U205664904
MPN: U205664904
NSN 4820-01-425-2841
Temperature Regulating Valve
MPN: 935-107-L-7/8 ODFX1-1/8 ODF ST
MPN: 935-107-L-7/8 ODFX1-1/8 ODF ST
NSN 4820-01-425-1447
Temperature Regulating Valve
MPN: KD007348 SER.NO .90K7086A
MPN: KD007348 SER.NO .90K7086A
NSN 4820-01-424-9870
Temperature Regulating Valve
MPN: 40055-411
MPN: 40055-411
NSN 4820-01-424-9832
Temperature Regulating Valve
MPN: 801-075-CS/I5T3F83711A3A10A0D
MPN: 801-075-CS/I5T3F83711A3A10A0D
NSN 4820-01-424-9829
Temperature Regulating Valve
MPN: 80-050-CS/I5T3F54911A1A10A0D0F
MPN: 80-050-CS/I5T3F54911A1A10A0D0F
NSN 4820-01-424-9751
Temperature Regulating Valve
MPN: 12365975
MPN: 12365975
Recent Availability
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- NSN 4820-01-014-7867 -- MPN 6F2852-7
- NSN 4820-01-383-5019 -- MPN K-2769-32
- NSN 4820-00-147-5093 -- MPN 583-3/8D1
- NSN 4820-00-781-7459 -- MPN MS24423-4
- NSN 4820-01-563-5937 -- MPN K-2465-02
- NSN 4820-01-180-1998 -- MPN 65D42
- NSN 4820-01-136-2143 -- MPN 4P156-3
- NSN 4820-00-059-4920 -- MPN MIL-V-19069
- NSN 4820-01-487-2047 -- MPN MS28892-6SS
- NSN 4820-01-359-9855 -- MPN 488-8D1-0
- NSN 4820-00-242-4064 -- MPN 38-900
- NSN 4820-00-853-6864 -- MPN 61841
- NSN 4820-00-690-5218 -- MPN V46BC-2
- NSN 4820-01-153-1851 -- MPN 25011206